About Planet Lori Art Camp

Why an art camp for children? Lori loved children and spent many afternoons doing art projects with her son Hayden. Art is often used to help children communicate, overcome stress and heal from tragedy. Lori’s memory is being honored with an art camp in her name specifically designed for children who had or have a parent or a close relative with cancer.

The Planet Lori Art Camp, run by the Birmingham Bloomfield Art Center (BBAC), will be held on a daily basis from August 11, 2025, through August 15, 2025, from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. The Lori Haber Buckfire Foundation is providing full paid scholarships to children (ages 5-15) to attend the camp. There is limited space in the camp, so it is recommended that completed applications be submitted as soon as possible. 

2017 Planet Lori Art Camp Video created by Hayden Buckfire

2016 Planet Lori Art Camp Video

Pictures and Slideshow from our 2015 Art Camp at the Birmingham Bloomfield Art Center | August 2015

Pictures and Slideshow from our 2014 Art Camp at the Birmingham Bloomfield Art Center | August 2014

To learn more about the BBAC, visit: https://www.bbartcenter.org

Lori Haber Buckfire Foundation | Birmingham Bloomfield Art Center Camp
Lori Haber Buckfire Foundation | Birmingham Bloomfield Art Center Camp